This is a completely PRACTICAL and PARTICIPANT LED course developed to enhance the skills and build confidence in clinicians already practicing or trained in Myofascial Trigger Point Dry Needling Technique. Emphasis is given to the practical, clinical reasoning component and safe techniques. Many alternative techniques for many muscles are also taught in this course.
In the refresher course, there is no fixed content to be covered. We intend to cover all the muscle trigger points as demanded by the course participants. The participant must have covered the demanded trigger points in a previous dry needling course and this course shouldn’t be used to learn dry needling of a new muscle as the theoretical aspects aren’t covered.
Below is not an exhaustive list but most demanded muscles by previous attendees of this course:
Gluteal Muscles, Hip adductors, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Calf muscles, Scapular & Shoulder muscles, Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar paraspinal muscles.
COURSE FEE: €160. Places will be offered on first come first served and full course fee paid basis.
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